Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Housing crisis idea?
Underwater house swap. Need to move for work but are underwater on your mortgage and can't sell? Maybe you can switch houses with someone else in a different area of the country who is underwater on their house as well? Everybody wins! It's like that vacation house swap, but permanent.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Waiting out the impending storm
Just hanging out here at home, waiting for continuing action from "Winter Storm 2008". So far, nothing but a dusting of snow and occasional wind gusts. There's a chance I'll get called into work for an overnight shift mapping disaster, but for that to happen, I need some real disaster type stuff to map. I think the most unfortunate part about all this uncertainty over whether I have to go into work is that you don't get to partake in the traditional method of waiting out a storm - drinking, watching TV and waiting. Well, you can still watch TV and wait, but it isn't quite the same without the sauce.
The 4runner is getting around quite nicely in the snow and ice so far, and we have the wife's car chained up until further notice. Wishing you all luck.
The 4runner is getting around quite nicely in the snow and ice so far, and we have the wife's car chained up until further notice. Wishing you all luck.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow-pocalypse 2008
Continuing the trend of forecasting snowstorms and having them happen a day later than planned, today is perhaps the snowiest day I have ever seen west of the cascades. Yesterday, the world laughed at us for our caution, well, who is laughing now? No one...damn.
This is the second day this week I've walked to work, looking like someone ready to take on Rainier instead of a 3 mile walk to work. At least I'm getting a lot of exercise, and avoiding idiots running into my car. Though I do worry about what I'll do when a car skids off the road right at me, I'm not the most mobile in my snowboarding pants and large backpack. I doubt I can outrun a skidding Land Rover.
Anyway, wife and dog are at home enjoying the snow, while I work away. Shit, the postman isn't even going to make it here to pick up the mail, but I have to come in? This just seems a bit silly. We've got to go to the airport tonight to pick up some guests who are coming in, that should be the real adventure. I put collision coverage on my car just for the occasion. Bon Voyage for now.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Be careful what you wish for
...because you just might get it. Got word last night at the basketball game that Sarkisian is to be named to head coach, it's all over ESPN and the times. This guy was my second to last choice, Pat Hill being the guy I absolutely did not want. I can't believe we passed on the opportunity to get Mike Leach, unforgivable if Sarkisian doesn't work out. Boo!
Of course, I hope I have to eat my words as UW goes to a bowl game next year, but I'm just not feeling it.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Let's pick a coach already!!!!
This is probably the most frustrating autumn I can remember, for a variety of reasons. The poor performance of the husky football team and their athletic department has contributed more than their fair share to my frustration. Just when I thought we had Mike Leach, he withdraws his name from consideration. I had done all my research on him before Halloween and he was my favorite of all the candidates.
As others dropped from consideration to take new jobs or get giant contract extensions, Leach stayed there, ready to navigate his pirate ship straight to Montlake. Then, at lunch today, we see that his reserve DB is distributing cocaine and he has withdrawn his name from consideration, partially for waiting too long for an answer (I think asking him back for a second interview didn't help our situation either). I had been dreaming of a spread offensive with Cody Bruns and Jake Locker, now those dreams are crushed. We don't have a single head coach left to consider, just coordinators.
This has turned into the same running joke that our athletic director search was. I am very disappointed.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I've never seen someone so upbeat
(Watch the video portion)
Apologies for the lack of updates, we are now back to our regularly scheduled program.
It's official
As of January 1st, I will now be working 30 hours a week instead of 40. Thanks to the hour cut, extra spending money will be relatively scarce, but time will be abundant - 3 day weekends every week! (I am trying to be upbeat about this, even though it screws up my savings goals quite a bit).
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