Cue up the pomp and circumstance, after a grueling 10 hour (more like 8 hour really) course, I can now purchase a hunting license and shoot woodland creatures. Of course, everyone in my class, including kids aged 8 to 12) passed, so you can surmise that this is not the most intellectually intense challenge out there.
Highlights included a video entitled "Shoot, Don't Shoot" which details a variety of scenarios, all including a mustachioed woodsman about to shoot an animal. Right before the moment of truth, the video pauses and the class must chant out "Shoot" or "Don't Shoot" As you can imagine, only about 1/3rd of the scenarios were actually "Shoot" moments, but the audience voted to shoot about half the time. This includes some particularly obnoxious 12 year olds who I would have liked to take outside and beat (though not because they voted to "Shoot" every time, there were numerous other reasons for a solid beatdown).
Pat and I simulated getting in and out of a boat and crossing a fence together, it was a very precious moment that I wish all could have witnessed.
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