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Stories of Wonder and Amazement: Nutritional Smackdown! The legacy continues

Monday, October 13, 2008

Nutritional Smackdown! The legacy continues

Due to the popularity of the Footlong BMT vs Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese tale of the tape. I have decided to write another in my series of nutritional comparisons. My thought is that now I am going to structure this as a sort of gauntlet of semi-unhealthy restaurant lunch foods. In order to keep this fair, I have laid out some ground rules for myself (not that anything is going to happen if I blatently violate them).
  1. The item in question must be under $10 (this excludes things like giant meals from cheesecake factory and huge orders of ribs).  Items over $10 may one day have their own series of articles.  However, items from sit-down restaurants are okay if they are under the limit.
  2. No "health food" unless the item in question is merely masquerading as a health food.  Lean cuisine won't be making an appearance in the ring anytime soon.
  3. No blatently in your face unhealthy food (this means no items from the heart attack grill, etc). If it's advertised as a food that doesn't give a shit about its own nutritional content, then I hope you aren't dumb enough to eat it if you are on a diet. If you are that dumb, nothing I write can help you.
  4. You have to be able to actually find the food. I'm not going to review a sandwich from a diner that has 3 locations. Must be from at least a regional chain.
Reader suggestions for items to review are very much welcomed and will be addressed in order of entertainment value (in the unlikely event that I get more than one suggestion).
Tale of the tape #2 is in pre-production, even as we speak, or should I say, as I type.


PC said...

Could you give an evaluation of the Market Fresh sandwich at chains like Wendy's or Arby's? Also the plain roast beef with arbeque sauce at Arby's would be interesting.

hdawg said...

Your wish is my command.

Coming up next, Double Quarter Pounder con Queso, versus the Roast Beef w/Arbyeque sauce.

Winner of that matchup will take on a Market Fresh Sandwich.