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Stories of Wonder and Amazement: Book Review: Watchmen

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Book Review: Watchmen

As a new feature to the Chino and friends world, I decided that I would start reviewing books that I have read. This should serve at least 2 purposes, if not more. 

First, it will be a way for me to keep track of books that I have read and liked.  A lot of the time I trade/sell/give away books that I have read and when I think back to remember what books I've read over the past 6 months, it can be difficult to recall every book. 

Second, maybe I can somehow inform someone on whether or not to buy a certain book. But, take my reviews with a grain of salt, as I have somehow turned into an optimist at some point while drinking my way through my undergraduate education. I just avoid most books I know that I will hate, or else I never finish them. Maybe I will find a book to write a hateful review on though, just for the sake of balance.

Anyhow. On to the review. I read most of this graphic novel on a plane, which I think was kind of weird because certain illustrations are, well, a touch graphic (and not in a novel sense). I kept feeling guilty that a child behind me would be trying to read the "comic book" over my shoulder. This never actually happened though and mostly just proved that I am getting old.  

I can see how this gets a rep as being the best graphic novel of all time, it would be hard to give the same reading experience with a plain text novel, it just wouldn't match up. The characters are very well developed, though some never really flesh out until the very end. The heroes are very much fallible characters with personality flaws beyond that of the X-men. 

There isn't really a lot else I can say without given away some key plot points of the book, but suffice it to say that it's worth picking up for the right price. I found a copy at Costco for $11, but apparently retail on this sucker is $20. I have a hard time justifying anything for $20 so either hit up amazon or your local library once all the movie fervor dies down a bit. It's an easy read and one of the more unique reading experiences you will ever have. 

The only downside to this novel is that it just sort of ends and felt rather unfulfilled, like eating junk food I suppose. No real feelings one way or another, more just impressed at the novelty of the whole thing. 

Final Rating: 8/10

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