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Stories of Wonder and Amazement: 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Housing crisis idea?

Underwater house swap.  Need to move for work but are underwater on your mortgage and can't sell? Maybe you can switch houses with someone else in a different area of the country who is underwater on their house as well?  Everybody wins!  It's like that vacation house swap, but permanent.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Obligatory Backyard Picture


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Waiting out the impending storm

Just hanging out here at home, waiting for continuing action from "Winter Storm 2008".  So far, nothing but a dusting of snow and occasional wind gusts. There's a chance I'll get called into work for an overnight shift mapping disaster, but for that to happen, I need some real disaster type stuff to map.  I think the most unfortunate part about all this uncertainty over whether I have to go into work is that you don't get to partake in the traditional method of waiting out a storm - drinking, watching TV and waiting. Well, you can still watch TV and wait, but it isn't quite the same without the sauce. 

The 4runner is getting around quite nicely in the snow and ice so far, and we have the wife's car chained up until further notice.  Wishing you all luck.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow-pocalypse 2008

Continuing the trend of forecasting snowstorms and having them happen a day later than planned, today is perhaps the snowiest day I have ever seen west of the cascades. Yesterday, the world laughed at us for our caution, well, who is laughing now?  No one...damn. 
This is the second day this week I've walked to work, looking like someone ready to take on Rainier instead of a 3 mile walk to work.  At least I'm getting a lot of exercise, and avoiding idiots running into my car. Though I do worry about what I'll do when a car skids off the road right at me, I'm not the most mobile in my snowboarding pants and large backpack. I doubt I can outrun a skidding Land Rover. 
Anyway, wife and dog are at home enjoying the snow, while I work away. Shit, the postman isn't even going to make it here to pick up the mail, but I have to come in?  This just seems a bit silly.  We've got to go to the airport tonight to pick up some guests who are coming in, that should be the real adventure.  I put collision coverage on my car just for the occasion.  Bon Voyage for now.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Be careful what you wish for

...because you just might get it.  Got word last night at the basketball game that Sarkisian is to be named to head coach, it's all over ESPN and the times.  This guy was my second to last choice, Pat Hill being the guy I absolutely did not want. I can't believe we passed on the opportunity to get Mike Leach, unforgivable if Sarkisian doesn't work out. Boo! 
Of course, I hope I have to eat my words as UW goes to a bowl game next year, but I'm just not feeling it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let's pick a coach already!!!!

This is probably the most frustrating autumn I can remember, for a variety of reasons.  The poor performance of the husky football team and their athletic department has contributed more than their fair share to my frustration.  Just when I thought we had Mike Leach, he withdraws his name from consideration. I had done all my research on him before Halloween and he was my favorite of all the candidates.
As others dropped from consideration to take new jobs or get giant contract extensions, Leach stayed there, ready to navigate his pirate ship straight to Montlake. Then, at lunch today, we see that his reserve DB is distributing cocaine and he has withdrawn his name from consideration, partially for waiting too long for an answer (I think asking him back for a second interview didn't help our situation either). I had been dreaming of a spread offensive with Cody Bruns and Jake Locker, now those dreams are crushed.  We don't have a single head coach left to consider, just coordinators. 
This has turned into the same running joke that our athletic director search was. I am very disappointed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I've never seen someone so upbeat

(Watch the video portion)
Apologies for the lack of updates, we are now back to our regularly scheduled program.

It's official

As of January 1st, I will now be working 30 hours a week instead of 40. Thanks to the hour cut, extra spending money will be relatively scarce, but time will be abundant - 3 day weekends every week! (I am trying to be upbeat about this, even though it screws up my savings goals quite a bit).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I hope everyone enjoyed GIS Day

For those not involved with the science of geographic information, you may not have realized that yesterday, November 19th, was GIS Day.  If you are intrigued and want more information, you can visit as you might notice, they have already determined that "GIS Day A Huge Success". 
We hosted a batch of schoolkids in an attempt at early indoctrination. I would say we were only mildly successful at best. How was everyone else's GIS Day?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

Everyone get out and vote, etc, etc. Here at my work lines and parking are crazy as people come in to vote. We're having a good time watching everyone try to park their giant high priced SUV's, if I were to graph, there is a direct correlation between cost of SUV and amount of time spent trying to fit into a parking space.  I should note that these are normal parking spaces, not "Compact" sized ones. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Honda Civic Stereo Install

Hey everybody! Back again, no nutritional smackdown yet, but it is in the works, I promise. In the meantime, I will present to you a pictorial tour of some things I have been doing during my time not spent blogging. First off, we are upgrading the stereo in the Missus' car. Thanks to her love of "rocking out" as the kids call it, 3 out of 4 speakers have been blown. Also, she wants to be able to listen to her ipod through her stereo. So, this means new speakers all around (components in front, 2 ways in the back) and a new head unit. Also, because I am both cheap and stubborn, I am doing all the work myself. I neglected to take pictures of the rear speaker install, but I have pictures of the rest of the process. First off, the head unit... I forgot to take pictures of the removal part, but here is what the dash looks like minus HVAC controls and the stock stereo. A closer view... The tools of the trade (yes, that is a rice spoon, I lost my trim panel tool for a while). Test fitting the new CD player A clean and well organized workspace is always important :) Connecting the factory wiring harness with an aftermarket adapter The finished product!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ding Ding Ding! Round Two: Double Quarter Pounder (w/cheese) versus Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Sandwich

Ladies and gentlemen, after the Double Quarter Pounder's victory of the Subway Footlong BMT, it goes on to face its next opponent. Red Robin's Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Sandwich. I know what you are saying - chicken sandwich? Are you kidding me, how can a McDonald's burger compare to a chicken sandwich, especially once that's grilled? Well my friends, that's what we are here to see. Let's go to the stats. Unfortunately, Red Robin's website is a bit sparse on the nutritional information, they only have calories, fat, carbs, dietary fiber and protein listed. No breakdowns on type of fat either. Right out of the gate, this hurts the Whiskey river bbq sandwich. However, because it has whiskey in it's name, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Here we go.
Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese
Whiskey River BBQ
Fat (g)
Carbs (g)
Dietary Fiber (g)
Protein (g)
It looks like the Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese (sweet lord, this sandwich might lose soon just because I am so tired of typing out the full name!) takes home another victory! Let's break down the categories
Winner: DQPw/C - See, I decided I would just abbreviate it, because I can't handle the typing anymore! With 214 fewer calories, the DQPw/C takes this category easily.
This one was darn close, DQPw/C edges out the Whiskey River, but only by 9 grams. if the robin gave us more info about the type of fat, Whiskey River might have had a chance to pull this one out, but that's the price you pay for limiting dietary informational disclosure (just ask Quizno's).
DQPw/C leaves the Whiskey River back at the ranch on this one. No contest, as the whiskey river has almost twice the carbs.
Dietary Fiber
Frankly, I am a little disturbed with how the DQPw/C has 11 grams of dietary fiber, I'm not sure how that works, but however they get that fiber in there, gotta give the DQPw/C the edge yet again. EDIT: I apparently transposed the dietary fiber % with the amount of fiber in grams. Whiskey River takes this one by a gram!
Protein It almost seems like generosity at this point that the whiskey river takes home one category. I originally listed the Whiskey River as having 2 grams more protein, but upon looking at the figures it looks like they are tied. Result: Draw.
The Double Quarter Pounder w/CHEESE (for emphasis) walks away with this one. The combination of high sugar bbq sauce and high fat onion straws on the red robin sandwich doom it from the start. This is sad, because it's a favorite of mine, but something definitely best left for only occasional consumption. The sandwich itself is almost half the daily caloric intake for a middle aged male. That doesn't even include the bottomless streak fries that accompany it.
Be sure to tune back in to see who the Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese will take on next. Can anyone stop it?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Nutritional Smackdown! The legacy continues

Due to the popularity of the Footlong BMT vs Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese tale of the tape. I have decided to write another in my series of nutritional comparisons. My thought is that now I am going to structure this as a sort of gauntlet of semi-unhealthy restaurant lunch foods. In order to keep this fair, I have laid out some ground rules for myself (not that anything is going to happen if I blatently violate them).
  1. The item in question must be under $10 (this excludes things like giant meals from cheesecake factory and huge orders of ribs).  Items over $10 may one day have their own series of articles.  However, items from sit-down restaurants are okay if they are under the limit.
  2. No "health food" unless the item in question is merely masquerading as a health food.  Lean cuisine won't be making an appearance in the ring anytime soon.
  3. No blatently in your face unhealthy food (this means no items from the heart attack grill, etc). If it's advertised as a food that doesn't give a shit about its own nutritional content, then I hope you aren't dumb enough to eat it if you are on a diet. If you are that dumb, nothing I write can help you.
  4. You have to be able to actually find the food. I'm not going to review a sandwich from a diner that has 3 locations. Must be from at least a regional chain.
Reader suggestions for items to review are very much welcomed and will be addressed in order of entertainment value (in the unlikely event that I get more than one suggestion).
Tale of the tape #2 is in pre-production, even as we speak, or should I say, as I type.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Alright, gotta get a post up here

Okay, so there has been a drought of blogging lately, which is totally not fun, I'm not sure how much entertainment value I can provide in this particular post, but I'll try to get everybody at least caught up on all events (kind of an ambitious goal eh?). 
So, this past weekend took a trip down to the hometown for some fishing and entertainment, succeeded in finding entertainment, fishing was a slight bust however, wind pretty much killed our big trip out on the river about 3 hours in.  We did salvage things a little bit with some pond fishing back at the ranch, but a 1lb bass can hardly compare to a 7' sturgeon. 
I got to check back in on Yakima on my way back and believe it or not, still rather depressing down there.  We stopped to get gas @ the 7-11 off the interstate and it was a scratch ticket bonanza.  I'm not paid to be a social scientist, but I would say there is some correlation between scratch ticket sales and the 1st of the month, when all the government aid checks come rolling into town.  To quote Trailer Park Boys "That's how the government gets its money back".  So damn true.
So, weekend, fishing, was a semi-bust, but I got to see developments around the old stomping grounds. Oh, and the huskies got their asses handed to them again, as has been the case all season. 
Also, in case you haven't heard, there is some sort of chew-gate going on re: sideline shots of Jake Locker apparently with a wad of chewing tobacco in. Since there isn't much point in discussing if UW might win a game anymore, the more rabid fans are now debating what exactly was in Jake Locker's mouth - chew vs gum vs sunflower seeds.  Looked like chew to me, but what do I know, I'm just some dude on the internet, I think you need paid professionals for this type of serious analysis.
To wrap it all up, work is borderline crazy right now, especially when your hours are constrained and your workload isn't. I'm supposed to develop productivity tools to help decrease the time, but the catch 22 is that I don't have time to develop those tools.  Hmm , what to do?
Oh, and finally, I launched a new blog, in face of the results from my post about CL scammers, you can check out to determine if you, in fact, are being scammed.  Check it out.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I promise I haven't left

Just been pretty busy and working on random stuff. Soon enough I'll be back with a post that has some actual substance to it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

New Rig

$4700 later, I am now the owner of a 1998 4Runner SR5 5 Speed with 148k miles. Go Go gas prices, getting people who never use SUVs out of them, and into the hands of people like me who drive 4,000 miles a year, most of them with some purpose other than commuting.
Pics to come. Now I have to go pay my fatty excise tax to keep puget sound slightly less stuck in gridlock.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

El rusto is gone

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the departure of el rusto from the chinoandfriends family.  He went off to a new home tonight where his days will be full of fun times hauling manure and landscaping. At least his new home will be one where his mechanical needs can be taken care of.  While I am happy to not have to deal with all the mechanical pains of getting him ready to pass emissions, it is also hard to sell something for so little that you have put so much sweat and blood (literally at times) into. 

Feel free to share your own memories of vehicles departed in the comments below. I can think of many friends of mine who sold vehicles full of character; including betsy, queen of the 4x2's, as well as the sable of lust.

Now, the search must begin for a new ride, I leave you with a final quote from rusty's new owner: "Now I feel like a real American"

Don't we all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

That's right!

Exactly what I was thinking.  Whatever happened to corporate accountability?

What shall replace el rusto?

Well, el rusto is up for sale, has been for a while in fact, but obviously the truck market is a bit soft right now (as is the market for anything except a hybrid or a honda civic). Regardless, we are proceding with this post as if the truck will be sold for more than a dollar.  What vehicle can possibly replace el rusto?  In an effort to answer this question, I have laid out several important factors to consider.
-Value - something the Toyota market seems to lack, I have a hard time paying $5000 for a truck with 240,000 miles. I want to get something that is only 10 to 15 years old with less than 150k miles for under $4000 (at absolute most).
-Size of aftermarket following (internet forums and parts) - This might seem like an odd one to have up here, but generally the better a car, the larger aftermarket following it has in the form of forums and aftermarket parts.  This is important, because forums are a great source of walkthroughs and general tips and tricks relevant to a certain model.  Its hard to find this sort of content elsewhere. So I give bonus points to the 4Runner and Jeep Cherokee, the two cars I would consider that have the best aftermarket following.
-Room - I need to fit wife, dog and possibly guinea pig in the vehicle, something el rusto cannot accomplish. Heck, even the guinea pig and I can't fit in el rusto at the same time. This basically means a minimum of an extended cab compact pickup all the way up to something as large as a Suburban.
-Fuel Economy - This is an extremely minor consideration, when you drive 4000 miles a year, it doesn't really matter what kind of mileage you get, as long as its above 15 or so. I've been getting 16.5 in the truck.  My acceptable range is 15 and up, but if I get 15 I had better be able to tow something huge.
-Towing Capacity - Not the highest priority, but as mentioned above, if I get horrible gas mileage, I had better be able to tow the hell out of something. Slightly important because I might get a larger boat in the future that needs to be towed. Also useful to tow beater cars on car trailers for future projects.
-Reliability - Does it break down all the time?  More importantly, are these breakdowns catastrophic - i.e. Do they keep you from getting where you need to go or are they minor, quality of life issues (power window gets stuck, finicky heater fan, etc) I would rather deal with niggling quality of life stuff rather than know I am due for spectacular engine failure at any moment due to a known rod bearing issue or an undercooled automatic transmission (I'm looking at you Nissan Pathfinder).
-Cargo Capacity - Can I fit lumber in the back or on top or in a trailer?  Can I put my boat somewhere, can I load it up and go camping for a week.
So, here is a list of finalists I have considered so far and their plusses and minuses
Chevrolet Tahoe/GMC Yukon
+You can probably tow a mobile home
+Value is at its apex currently, with high gas prices and perception as a gas guzzler
-Is the size of a mobile home
-15mpg if you drive with a light foot
-probably has the shortest lifespan of any vehicle listed because of the popularity as a tow rig.
-Everyone will look at you like you just dumped a gallon of oil on a seal
Nissan Pathfinder
+Good used value due to the fact Nissan used the same body style for 11 years, making a 1995 model look like a 1984 model.
+Good cargo room, underrated offroad ability
-AT Issues
-Small aftermarket
Toyota 4Runner
+Good cargo room
-Offroad ability not as good
-Most come with 3.0 V6, one of the worst toyota engines still around
-Not much more tow capacity than a Subaru
-Bad gas mileage (15mpg from a 3.0 V6?)
-Expensive for a rig with high miles
Nissan Hardbody Ext Cab Pickup
+Lower cost than Toyota PU
-Fewer selections available
-Interior room is tight
Toyota Ext Cab Pickup
+Extremely reliable
+Great offroad capability
+Huge aftermarket
-Waaay overpriced
-Really hard to find extended cab version
Ford Ranger Ext Cab Pickup
+Lower cost than Toyota PU
-Fewer selections available
-Interior room is tight
Subaru Legacy Wagon
+Fuel Economy
-Towing Capacity
-Automatic transmission issues (potentially)
-High parts/repair cost
Jeep Cherokee
+4.0 Inline 6 is bullet proof
-Low ground clearance
+Huge aftermarket
-Unibody frame
-Relatively low cargo capacity

Friday, September 19, 2008

In today's news...

Official US Policy: Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.  To hell with the deficit, we must have short term growth.
Not my quote, but I damn well agree with it. I feel like we are all getting screwed bigtime in this government bailout plan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tale of the Tape - Subway Footlong BMT vs McDonalds Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese

Maybe this will be the first in an educational series, or maybe not, but I think I could spend quite a few articles just writing about dietary misconceptions that people have. In this inaugural episode we will take on the myth of Subway's healthy offerings. Many think that by association with Subway, a sandwich must be relatively healthy. This is false! As a former Subway employee who spent many hours computing sandwich calorie combinations, I can tell you that anything with lots of processed meat on it isn't going to the be healthiest thing around. Plus, a foot long sub is pretty darn big. Their nutritional website lists a foot long BMT as weighing almost a pound! Alright, enough of my incessant rambling, let's get to the main event!

Footlong BMT w/Cheese, no mayo

Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese



Calories from fat



Total Fat (g)



Saturated Fat (g)



Trans Fat (g)






Sodium (g)



Carbs (g)



Dietery Fiber









As you can see, we are about neck in neck here. The BMT has more calories, but less fat and slightly less saturated fat. Also of note, the BMT has a shitton more sodium. Good god, that is a lot of sodium. (mostly thanks to pickles and pepperoncinis inclusion in the data, which is somewhat admirable, because one could claim those as optional sides and not include them in the nutritional analysis). Final Call - avoid both! Either will nearly max out your daily recommended saturated fat intake, instead go with a foot long turkey or a regular quarter pounder w/cheese (only 440 calories). Oh, and if you get the Quarter Pounder - lay off the fries, nothing but empty calories!
- As you can notice, my table is all jacked up, I will work on fixing this another time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shout out

To Beater Review, man, as an aficionado of crappy cars and automotive humor, it doesn't get a lot better than this site. If you're a guy like me, a realist and someone who enjoys cars, but can't justify spending money on a depreciating asset. You're someone who appreciates cars that have done 90% of their depreciating already. These are the cars you'll see on Beater Review.  It's not updated as frequently as it used to be, but the archives are still quite useful and will keep a man entertained for a work day, or at least until lunch.
I don't have to look up 10 year old issues of Car and Driver or Road & Track in the library anymore when I'm contemplating my next car purchase, nope, not since I've found Beater Review

Monday, September 15, 2008

Amidst the despair, comes a light

Sure things are looking dark in the US of A, especially around my beloved puget sound.  House prices are down, unemployment is up, our sports teams can't win a g-d game to save their lives, (I an instituting a cooling off period before I actually discuss any game events in a permanent format that could be used against me later).
But my friends - YOU can buy I <3 Jake Locker boxer shorts.  I don't even get a cut of these things, but they brightened my day so much I had to link to them anyway. Poor Jake goes out there and takes a licking every single Saturday, never questioning (I hope) his wisdom in coming to the U of W, "Why does he do it?" many might ask, perhaps its the knowledge that somewhere, some devoted man is wearing his I Love Jake Locker boxer shorts.

Fun with scammers

One of the joys of selling a vehicle on craigslist is getting inundated with emails from scammers.  They all follow the same general formula - they email you to see if the vehicle is still available. If so, they then reply about how glad they are to hear that and that they are ready to arrange payment and shipping. Because I'm sure 1987 Toyota Pickups are such a rarity that one has to go thousands of miles away to get one in as rusty of a condition as mine.   See below emails for comic relief.
I am happy to read your email concerning the sale of  your item,i'm highly intresting in  purchasing it as soon as possible.I will handle the shipment myself via my private shipping company,They will come for pick up when you must have gotten your cash at hand from the bank.They will prepare all shipment papers and also bill of will also be insured by my company shippers.
This is due to the fact that my mode of payment will be Via Bank Certified Check which i will wait for your bank to verify and clear the check before we proceed with the shipping am not in rush,Once you are satisfied with my mode of payment you can proceed to delete the advert,because i don't want any interruption.,So email me your name and address not a P.O box and also with your phone number to recieved the check. The check will be mailed via UPS or Fedex air so 2nd day delivery.then you will proceed to have the check deposited at your bank so get back to me asap!....
Thanks .
Barb Roman
Rock Springs, WY
I emailed her back letting her know that my sales are locals only.  I don't deal with people from Wyoming.
Here's another
 hello, i got all your information about the item and am satisfied with it, i will be making your payment today, i need your full name and address and your valid phone number to make the  payment today via certified check i will handle the shipment myself. The check will get to you in 2-5 days time and when you recived the check you can then get the check deposited at your Bank i will wait for you to confirm and clear the check.The payment will be in excess as i will want you to contact my shipper with the excess fund for him to pickup the item after you must have confirmed and cashed the check .i will wait for your bank to clear the Check so you can deduct your own funds and send the excess fund to my shipper via Money gram Money Transfer cos he needs the excess to pick up the item. You can IM on this ID or call me on 206-888-0471 for more information.Thanks and God Bless,you can get the posting deleted from craiglist get back to me asap!
 If anyone wants to give that guy a call, feel free. He's very interested in rusty trucks and apparently needs them shipped, even though he has a local phone number.
These people are the scum of the earth.

Friday, September 12, 2008

late night entry on this one

Just got back a bit ago from an unproductive (though enjoyable) after work trip to fish for some tasty salmon. It was nice to get out on the river and enjoy the natural scenery of the PNW, even if we had to go hungry (so to speak). UW - Oklahoma tomorrow...yikes, that's about all that I have to say. Let's hope for the best, or at least for UW to cover. I estimate chance of an upset at 10%, but that might even be generous. On the agenda for the weekend, try to sell truck, watch UW-Oklahoma, going away BBQ. Hopefully I'll find some time in this strenuous schedule to write something of substance. Food for thought: What is it that makes some people so much more motivated by money than others? It isn't to say that I would turn down legit money if it was handed to me, but I just don't have that desire to work my ass off for paper. I guess I just enjoy my life too much without spending lots of money. I never thought of myself as that sort of person, but maybe I am? In a way I never envisioned being successful, always planning for the worst, I'm pleasantly surprised with my current situation as it is, even if things basically stayed as they are for a long time. Maybe I'm just easy to please

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Meet Bob

Meet Bob*. This is a guy who has been my companion in various exploits from the time I was 15. The great thing about Bob is that he's always up for whatever comes along, as long as it isn't overly illegal and doesn't involve doing lines of blow or killing hookers. Other than that, he's a pretty down guy. The one thing you have to keep in mind about Bob though, is that, while he is not lacking in enthusiasm, he is definitely lacking in street experience. If I had been raised in the suburbs, I suppose I would call Bob a typical suburban white kid, I'm not sure what you call someone like that from a small town 50 miles or more from any medium sized towns. Well, we just call him Bob I guess.

The great thing about Bob (besides his enthusiasm) was that if he had any free time, it was pretty much yours for the taking. Since I had a lot of free time on my hands as a 15 year old, mostly due to a disdain for homework and lack of participation in anything related to school. Looking back, I think this is what led to Bob and I's initial friendship.

Bob was the kind of guy who didn't mind coming with me as I cruised a neighboring town for a guy to buy me beer (in a particularly memorable instance, a mexican man with 3 thumbs came to my aid) or a convenience store that wouldn't card me (plenty of these to be found). But regardless of all his accompaniment, he would never participate in the vice at hand (until he was of age), so we had to wait until he was 18 for his first cigar, but he got plenty of secondhand smoke in the intervening 3 years.

Hopefully this helps flesh out Bob, who might be a recurring character, depending on what stories I type up next. To finish out our intro, I'll share a story about Bob and his truck.

Bob had been given a truck, basically on loan from his parents when he turned 16. I think this was mostly so he could drive around his sister and pick up stuff from the store. Normally, in our town, driving a truck around was pretty normal, and kind of cool, being a farm town and all. Well, Bob had probably the dorkiest truck in the history of trucks. Imagine if you will, an '86 nissan hardbody, extended cab, with a bubble canopy (the kind that rise up in the back). With a "Life is Short, Pray Hard" sticker on the back. 2 wheel drive of course. This is the kind of truck you would expect your grandfather to have around for yardwork. This is what Bob drove to school everyday for 3 years. Let's just say that there was never any action going on in the back of this truck.

A friend of ours, Jeff*, worked at a car dealership and would get deals on stereos they pulled out of trade ins. One day he got a particularly crappy CD player for free, of course, the first thing that popped into our heads was that we HAD to put it into Bob's truck. This was a CD player from the first round of CD players that was available to purchase, probably circa 1991, it skipped over any speed bump, didn't show how much time was left on the CD, and could barely pick up radio stations. Pretty awesome stuff, and you wonder why it was free?  We ghetto-rigged that thing in there like any small town kids would, and of course, Bob has got to bump that shit all the way through his housing development. Bob, in all his geeky glory, cruising his old man truck, bumping (if you could call it that with two 4.5" speakers) Nelly's "Country Grammer" (hot song at the time). Then turning it down at certain houses so no neighbors called his dad. Yep, that's our Bob. We remain friends to this day.

*Bob is not really Bob's name
*Jeff is not really Jeff's name

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"I live in Sunnyside, yeah, I know, it smells"

Here's a lovely story from the valley. Nothing like the seemingly weekly ritual of a shootout in Sunnyside. Only this time it's noteworthy because the shooting was done with a police officer's stolen gun.  Maybe this will be the event that spurs some more police action down there.
When I was working at the winery (see previous posts) my "boss" during the second time I worked there (after my initial firing) was from Sunnyside. I say "boss" because he actual wasn't really in charge of anyone, but he was the only person in my crew who was directly employed by the winery and not a temp agency.  In our first discussion about where we lived, his line was "I live in Sunnyside, yeah, I know, it smells". Seemed like he had been told that a few times before. 
My other fun encounter was when 3 guys from S-side had just entered my initial crew, a crew whose tasks were devoted to fixing mistakes that machines made, but were too expensive to fix with machines. These guys were looking for steady employment as their main job as COKE DEALERS wasn't paying as much as they would like. First, how shitty do you have to be at selling coke to have to carpool 120 miles round trip in a Ford Contour?  Second, if you are really going for that big time $8.75 an hour job, don't drink on the goddamn job, they got fired, blamed it on my friend and I, and then word got back to me via the grapevine they were going to put a hit out on us. Riight. I'll just be on the lookout for any Ford Contours. (Note, to date, no hit has been made on me).
Anyway, back to Sunnyside, at least now the city has shut down the feedlot that was really stinking up the place, now they just have to shut down the OK corral shootout atmosphere and maybe things will start to perk up (but I wouldn't hold my breath).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The future of WaMu

Looks like more and more are piling on the WaMu going bankrupt bandwagon - Calculated Risk for one. $53 billion in adjustable rate mortgages isn't anything to sneeze at, especially when your whole banking model is predicated on making the bulk of your profits off of mortgages rather than traditional banking services like checking accounts and credit cards.
Quite a few have pointed out the high CD and money market account rates WM is offering as a sign they are desperate for liquid cash as well. All I can say is that I'm glad I sold my stock in WM when it was at $43. We have a pretty good amount of money in their bank because of the good savings account apr, and I'm not too worried about not being able to access my money for a weekend, we have plenty of backup sources and accounts.  Banks always go under on Fridays, so by Monday most stuff is pretty well sorted out.

Monday, September 8, 2008

What I did this Saturday

Channeled my anger at the husky loss to build bunks for the boat to ride in the truck bed.
Total Cost $15, plus I have 45 deck screws and 6' of 2"x4" left over.
Then on Sunday took the boat out and went for a 3 mile row.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Woop Woop

Alright, t-minus 20 minutes to kickoff of UW - BYU. Let's all hope together for an improved game 2 out of the huskies. Hopefully Tim Lappano will open up the playbook to include runs to the outside and screen passes and the O-line will restrain the 25 year olds on the D-line. I would like for Jake Locker to look back and not regret his decision to be a Husky. Go Dawgs!!! In other news, I am $395 away from the commencement of project build a boat. Also, taking the head off the Toyota on Sunday so I can take it in for a valve job. That one won't be too cheap. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures so I can post some up here. I need to take some anyway so I can get that thing back together when the head comes back. Alright, game time, happy Saturday.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Potential Boats

August/September Update

whew! done with 3 months of travelling all over the place. 9 states (not counting my good ol' home state that is) and 1700 miles of driving had left yours truly pretty exhausted. Thankfully all of our travels are over the time being, as much as I enjoy seeing new places, it sure is nice to be home and enjoy the weekends. 
This is especially true with the start of college football season (go dawgs!), however, with the excitement of every impending saturday, comes the knowledge that sunday will be very sad thanks to brilliant scheduling from the UW athletic department.
In other news, I'm contemplating the construction of a wooden boat. I have been collecting designs from all over the internet (free and pay) and will soon start posting a directory of them for my own personal use.
In truck news, did a valve adjustment over the weekend, went okay as far as the adjustment itself, but I think I have a vacuum leak somewhere now, I'm going to hit schucks today to get a bunch of hose and just start replacing anything that looks old or cracked.
Peace out for now

Thursday, May 22, 2008


5F10 Canyonero

Can you name the truck with four wheel drive,
smells like a steak and seats thirty-five..

Canyonero! Canyonero!

Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down,
It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown!

Canyonero! (Yah!) Canyonero!
[Krusty:] Hey Hey

The Federal Highway comission has ruled the
Canyonero unsafe for highway or city driving.


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide,
65 tons of American Pride!

Canyonero! Canyonero!

Top of the line in utility sports,
Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!

Canyonero! Canyonero! (Yah!)

She blinds everybody with her super high beams,
She's a squirrel crushing, deer smacking, driving machine!

Canyonero!-oh woah, Canyonero! (Yah!)

Drive Canyonero!

Woah Canyonero!

This lovely revisitation of the Canyonero episode of the Simpsons is owed to the first emergence of $4.00 a gallon gas in the puget sound area. Coinciding nicely, Honda is in the news with its newly announced aim of affordable hybrids with only a $2,000 premium over a non-hybrid model of the same car.
Meanwhile, back in the United States of Slow Adaptation, Ford cuts its forecasts of potential profit in 2009 mostly because they can't seem to make a decent vehicle that isn't a truck. Plus, their core consumer market of contractors and construction workers who feel a desire for small penis compenstion via huge tires are feeling a bit of a pinch in the back pocket with rising fuel costs and a falling construction market.
Simultaneously, consumers who are trying to trade in their Canyoneros of all shapes and sizes are being offered pennies on the dollar for their costly to operate rides.
This brings is to the question/statement/Jerry Springer moment of the day - what shall we do with all of these SUVs? I believe that all of the excess trucks that were merely status symbols will be readily absorbed by small business owners, farmers, etc who actually have uses that justify the high operating costs, but what about the Tahoes, Lexus SUV's and others that have no practical purpose a minivan can't emulate? What to do with all this sheetmetal?

Friday, March 7, 2008

I am now a proud Hunter's Ed graduate

Cue up the pomp and circumstance, after a grueling 10 hour (more like 8 hour really) course, I can now purchase a hunting license and shoot woodland creatures. Of course, everyone in my class, including kids aged 8 to 12) passed, so you can surmise that this is not the most intellectually intense challenge out there.
Highlights included a video entitled "Shoot, Don't Shoot" which details a variety of scenarios, all including a mustachioed woodsman about to shoot an animal. Right before the moment of truth, the video pauses and the class must chant out "Shoot" or "Don't Shoot" As you can imagine, only about 1/3rd of the scenarios were actually "Shoot" moments, but the audience voted to shoot about half the time. This includes some particularly obnoxious 12 year olds who I would have liked to take outside and beat (though not because they voted to "Shoot" every time, there were numerous other reasons for a solid beatdown).
Pat and I simulated getting in and out of a boat and crossing a fence together, it was a very precious moment that I wish all could have witnessed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pudding apparently killed this melamine bowl, not sure why, just took it out of the fridge and it was shattered around the bottom.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Go Dawgs

Go here and read about the most exciting game UW will probably play all season long.
Notes from the game
  1. Either Artem Wallace is severaly underrated defensively (not too likely, since he got lit up for 30+ points 2 of the last 3 games) or Kevin Love is overrated offensively, because he played like garbage Sunday. I think any team considering drafting K-love has to go over this game film, if you can't handle Artem (no offense to Mr. Wallace, but not exactly 1st team Pac-10 material) bumping you in the post, then you are in no way better than any of the worthless big men the sonics drafted in the years before Kevin Durant.  Even better, rather than just taking his lumps for a shitty game, he has the balls to say it's his teammates fault for not getting him the ball - ""I was looking for the ball. ... I felt I was open and my teammates didn't find me."
  2. Where was this side of Justin Dentmon's game all year long? It's painful to think how good UW could have been if they had been firing on all cylinders for the whole season. Then again, I think everyone felt the same way last year.
  3. Not too proud of the Tim Morris pass of Aboya's face, I'm hoping inside that it wasn't intentional, but if it was, then well, sometimes you just have to be aggressive I guess.
  4. On the same note as Justin Dentmon, Pondexter, you turned into an animal for about 20 minutes, then kind of faded back to your normal self after the quick foul calls, bring back the animal, please. Maybe seeing your highlight on sportscenter will wake you up.
  5. Pac-10 officiating is just about total garbage right now, what has happened?


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interesting morning in Oly

Down here for a training Monday and Tuesday. I checked out of my hotel this morning and I as I was putting my bags into the old rusty truck a nice old fellow stopped to ask where I was going. I told him "nowhere at the moment, just heading up the street for a training". Then he asked if I was in the service. Not so much I had to tell him, he seemed disappointed, particularly after I told him I was in town for a software training. Sorry old fella.