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Stories of Wonder and Amazement: Amidst the despair, comes a light

Monday, September 15, 2008

Amidst the despair, comes a light

Sure things are looking dark in the US of A, especially around my beloved puget sound.  House prices are down, unemployment is up, our sports teams can't win a g-d game to save their lives, (I an instituting a cooling off period before I actually discuss any game events in a permanent format that could be used against me later).
But my friends - YOU can buy I <3 Jake Locker boxer shorts.  I don't even get a cut of these things, but they brightened my day so much I had to link to them anyway. Poor Jake goes out there and takes a licking every single Saturday, never questioning (I hope) his wisdom in coming to the U of W, "Why does he do it?" many might ask, perhaps its the knowledge that somewhere, some devoted man is wearing his I Love Jake Locker boxer shorts.

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